A very busy July!
Well indeed it has been a very busy summer for the Ng family this year - so busy that this blog has been kept rather out of date for quite some time. Rather than do individual entries, I'll attempt to summarise:The Bridge Church hosted our annual sports camp with kids from the community. This event has always been fun to watch, and to be a part of. It is amazing to watch what happens as youth from our mission teams interact and encourage these kids. Shown here is the awards night. This is where each child from the sports camp is presented with an award -- a character attribute that someone at the camp noticed about them. I cannot begin to describe how much this encourages them. What is more is that relationships are built, and kids in our community have a chance to experience what it is like to be a Christ follower.
Erich, keen as always to sing began some rudimentary piano lessons with his aunt this summer. It's been a really cool time for aunt Joycelin to get together and interact with Erich.
Emily, the youngest of the Bartlett family had her birthday over the summer as well. Shown here is a picture of her admiring the cake her mom made for her.
Erich had lots of fun too. He made quite the deal out of being able to 'drive' to Emily's birthday party!We visited with good friends from high school (Karen) and university (Jonathan) to see their one month old boy. He is so very cute and so very tiny! I think I have forgotten what it is like to hold a newborn compared to Erich! It was so much fun being able to catch up with old friends. I even managed to put their baby to sleep for them!
Eddie, our IT consultant turned pastry chef, now long-term missionary tentmaking as a baker friend came back from Liberia briefly and had a wonderful stay with us. Erich graciously gave up his room so that Eddie could stay. I had the formidable task of transforming Erich's crib into a makeshift bed... something I managed to do with a few step stools, the top of an old desk, a futon mattress and a whole bunch C clamps. (Now Eddie, no jumping on the bed!) On a more serious note though, it was inspiring hearing what God has done in Eddie's life over the past 6 months, and he certainly encouraged me in my walk with Jesus and my faith. If you get the chance, I would encourage you to check out his blog!
Richard, a friend and relatively new member to our small group was baptized on Sunday, July 27th. I always like to boast about our baptismal tank - always available, never needs refilling and ample space. :-)
Shown here are two photos - one just as he is making a public confession of his faith in Jesus Christ, and the next of his baptism. Congratulations Richard!
Erich took swimming lessons again over the summer. Shown here is him about to take a jump from the platform. Move over Michael Phelps! He's coming to get ya!
Erich has also taken to other forms of exercise. In particular, I've noticed he's become REALLY good at climbing stuff. Here at a playground near Port Moody (Belcarra Park), Erich easily handles the faux-stone climbing wall set out before him... and he searches methodically for the next best step!
Goodbye Sarah! Sarah Conner moved back to Kansas this summer as well. She finished her last year of high school this year and has moved back to Kansas in hopes of beginning her freshman year in the new year. We wish you the very best Sarah!
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