Thursday, September 21, 2006

Little guy on the go!

Erich is 9 months today and crawling around the house as if it is second nature to him. Shown here is a photo of Erich patrolling the hallways. He has already figured out ways around many of the baby proofing / baby sectioning devices we have put in place. (!!) He's learned for instance that if it stands up and leans his weight just right, he can move the ottoman that is situated to prevent him from moving out of the living room. He has also figured out how to open and close doors that are slightly ajar. His hand-eye coordination is amazing for his age. He can pick a Cheerio right from daddy's finger in mid air and place half of it in his mouth to bite. Now that's precision!

He's developed a keen awareness of who mommy and daddy is, and goes to each respective parent for different reasons. For comfort, mommy is always best. He is always in the know of where mommy is and has even learned to discern her footsteps. For play or to relax, daddy is best and daddy always gets a big smile when he comes home from work. :)

Erich has also enjoyed trying many new fruits. Fruits such as peaches and pears are definitely his favorites. His latest passion is eating miniature bananas (from grandma) straight from the peel. His favorite comfort foods include melba toast (which he eats holding the whole piece by himself) and Cheerios which he either picks off his high chair table or from daddy's fingers.


Anonymous said...

Okay, who wrote this?

I can't see EITHER of you using that vocabulary.

hahaha, glad to see you're doing well.


Jonathan & Karen Ng said...

Erich did! :) No, it was a joint effort from Karen and me. Which vocabulary is so out of character?

Glad someone reads our blog. :)