Congratulations Robin and Yoonjeong!
Karen, Erich and I had a crazy fun weekend up in Kamloops at the end of July. We had gone up there (along with my photographic assistant Danila) to do a wedding shoot and to attend Robin and Yoonjeong's wedding. For those of you that know Robin, you will know that
this is a long time coming this was the event of a lifetime! :-)
Caption: Robin and Yoonjeong walk together across a crosswalk in traditional Korean wedding garments.
Congratulations to this beautiful new couple. We hope your new life together in Korea will bring wholeness to you and your family. May your marriage be holy - set apart for God's purpose. May you walk together in His truth and by His grace appreciating each other's differences, strengths and weaknesses.I had a particularly fun time tagging along as the embedded photojournalist. Although this is not my first wedding I have done this, it is the first one for which I have spent so long preparing. We witnessed moments of joy, of anticipation, of frustration, of surprise, but most of all moments of memory making. Wait till I tell your grandkids about the mice! In all seriousness though, thanks for giving me and Danila this opportunity to document your wedding day.
I will be posting up more pictures but not until I have finished processing them and not until they have passed through the bride and groom's eyes.
When you are done processing them, please sent a link or something via e-mail so I can see them as well. ^^
PS: It's not really anonymous when you post your name too
Still me
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